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Sequence Diagram

You can use polling strategy in order to implement TrustFactor. Your implementation would be something like this:

Transaction diagram with Polling strategy - Fig. 1


Polling Infrastructure

Infrastructure diagram with Polling strategy - Fig. 2

Pros and Cons

This strategy has very low performance because the user will be polling services every X seconds in order to retrieve updates. Your infrastructure is safe and protected because all ingress communications goes through a Web Application Firewall.


You will have to keep in mind an implementation where you have multiple backend replicas and each request will be handled by a different replica:

  • The authentication creation
  • The callback from TrustFactor's services
  • The polling from the user

You won't be able to keep data in application's memory since the next request might be handled by a different replica. You will need to use an external storage to help keep all replicas in-sync like Redis and pass information from one replica to another.